Copy rules in Rules screen
Allows you to Copy your Rule from the Target in which it currently sits into another Target.
The Status of the Rule is copied with it. Therefore, copying a Running Rule will result in a Running Rule being created in another Target.
If the Rule already exists within the Target you are copying into it will overwrite the existing Rule with no further user confirmation.
If you have a Rule with a Waiting status and copy in the same Rule with a Running status the Rule will be recreated Running. This should be considered when moving Rules into Production.
When a Rule is copied the "Last Modified Date" in the New or Updated Rule will show the date and time it was copied.
The copied Rule version will start at one for a new Rule in the Target. Each subsequent copy into a Rule will increment the version by one.
Please read the Global Parameters section for more information on how these can be utilized when copying Rules.
Copy Rule is also available directly in the ribbon bar of Rule Designer