Open versions of your Rule in the other targets

Open versions of your Rule in the other targets

Alterian CX has been designed to allow the user to safely develop and test changes to Rules with no risk to the production system.

To do this we provide development, testing and production systems through a single solution. We call these separate systems targets.

Specific use of the Targets will depend on our customers development process but we would recommend the development of rules takes place in the development target. Once the rule is ready for testing it's copied into the test target. Depending on the changes taking place, the test target may be linked to a test system where the changes can be tested appropriately.

It’s likely that changes in one will need to be reviewed against another target before one is copied over the other. The File menu has a ‘Open Rule version in target’ function. Clicking on this will allow you to open the versions of this rule that currently exist in the other targets. You can then compare setup.


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