Raise Campaign Events

Raise Campaign Events


  • Integration with Campaign Manager is via “Raise Campaign Events”

  • A Campaign must be created with the entire Customer base as the Audience

    • When the Campaign Event is raised, the record must exist within the Audience

  • The Campaign will:

    • Move everyone to a holding track

    • Have an Import Event Node set up

  • The DDE Rule will send an event into the Campaign, triggering some onward processing

  • If data is required to be passed from DDE to Campaign Manager, then this is achieved by setting up Campaign Variable and Parameters

Plugin Configuration


Within the General tab:

The following settings can be configured:





Server Location

The Campaign Manager URL e.g. https://clientname.alterian.net


The Campaign Manager static token. This can be obtained from the Alterian help desk

Selection Mode

If “Selection Mode” is ticked the “Campaign Id” (Campaign Document ID) and “Event Source Identifier” can be passed into the plugin via field values rather than static values:


Search String

If you want to search by a partial name of the campaign, provide the search string; otherwise leave blank. This will subsequently filter the “Choose a Campaign” list:

Choose a Campaign

After selecting the “Load” button the drop-down list will contain a list of campaigns filtered by the “Search String” (Above).

This assumes that the “Server Location” and “Token” details have been completed in order to connect to Campaign Manager.

Once a campaign is selected the “Campaign Id” field will be automatically populated

Campaign Id

The Campaign Document Id of the campaign. This Id will be automatically obtained if “Choose a Campaign” is used.

To manually obtain this Id from Campaign Manager, open document explorer:

  1. Select the required Campaign

  2. Within the preview window, the “ID” refers to the Campaign Document Id


Choose a Campaign Event Source

After selecting the “Load” button the drop-down list will contain a list of events filtered by the events in the specific Campaign Id (Above).

This assumes that the “Server Location”, “Token” and “Campaign Id” details have been completed in order to connect to Campaign Manager.

Once a Campaign Event Source is selected the “Event Source Identifier” field will be automatically populated.

Event Source Identifier

The Event Source Identifier of the event. This Id will be automatically obtained if “Choose a Campaign Event Source” is used.

To manually obtain this Id from Campaign Manager, open the required Campaign:

  1. Select the Events tab

  2. Within the event window, tick “Sub-folder” and “Use Event Source” and the Event Source Identifier is the GUID

Untick the boxes if file based events aren’t required

Buffer Size

Defines the maximum amount of rows to buffer after which the data gets flushed to to the Campaign Manager API.

In the below example the data will be flushed to the Campaign Manager API for every 1 row:

Buffer Time

Defines the time in seconds to buffer after which the data gets flushed to to the Campaign Manager API.

In the below example the data will be flushed to the Campaign Manager API every 60 seconds, whether it is full or not:

Event Data

The Event Data can be passed to Campaign Manager for use within a campaign.

The “Use prebuilt JSON” option requires a field containing a delimited string of the data for the event node. In the below example a field called “EventData” is field passed into the Campaign:

In the below example a comma delimited string is created within a field called “EventData” containing data from 6 different fields. This can field can subsequently be passed into the plugin:

The order of the delimited string within the field must match the fields specified in the Import Event Node:

Using the option “Build JSON from fields” an event can be raised against a specific “Event ID” by selecting the “Check for event details” and selecting the event ID:

In the above example an event would be raised against the Event ID “ABCD”. This correlates to the event within the Campaign Manager import events node, highlighted below:

The Fields tab should then be populated and mapped to event parameters.

Status-field name

The name of the field that should contain the API call status after the step is executed


When the option “Build JSON from fields” is selected, the Fields tab is required to be populated with:

  1. Fields to pass to the import events node

  2. The parameters to map the fields to


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