Functional View
At the top right is the Client dropdown. Clients are separate DDE instances. Access to different Clients is directly linked to your login details.
Most customers will have access to two clients. One will have a name that is familiar and will have been setup during the onboarding process. This is likely to be your company or brand name. This is the “client” where you will be spending most of your time. If as a company, you have DDE setup for multiple parts of your business or multiple brands you may have access to more than one client. You can move from one client to another simply by using the drop-down box in any applicable screen within DDE.
Public Client
Customers also have access to a Public Client. This client is created by Alterian and access is generally restricted in most screens. Its main purpose is to store Alterian created Public Templates and Rules that provide useful generic CX and marketing functionality.
You can drag these Templates from the Public client into the Rules in your client to add simple integrations or to add value to your Rules. Alterian ensure these Public Templates are tested with each new DDE release to ensure they are always compatible.
The Journey Orchestration home screen also provides a simple view of the four functional areas you may work on. These are:
Rule Groups
Global Parameters
The home screen shows you how many of each element you have created. Simply click on the “big number” on the screen to quickly click through into each functional area.
Journey Orchestration has been developed to allow our users to easily create Rules to meet specific CX and business goals with a clear focus on efficiency and reusability. Rules you have built in the past can be repurposed by moving around, removing or adding Templates, the building blocks of a Rule.
Created from Templates, Rules are created in Journey Orchestration and saved into DDE where they run providing millsecond responses to CX and marketing requests from multi-channel functions.
Rule Groups
A group of Rules that can be invoked (called) via the same DDE URL providing back an ordered and prioritised list of responses the calling system is able to use. Rule Groups allow you to easily select the ‘Best’ response based on a priority previously provided to the Rule.
Global Parameters
Parameters are the controls that allow our users to change the responses Rules may provide. Global Parameters sit above these Parameters adding a further layer of control. If you have the correct permission, you will see the number of Global Parameters created and be able to click through.