Journey Orchestration Roles

Journey Orchestration Roles

When you first sign up to use Alterian Journey Orchestration as a new customer, we will assign you a role that is appropriate for the tasks you will be undertaking.





User Role Choices


Standard Journey Orchestration CX user- Freely use the majority of functionality but are restricted from some more technical areas including Global Parameter Admin and the ability to record events to be played back in the future.


Technical User - They are able to use all the functionality available. They will be in charge of setting up Admin Global Parameters that can be see by this role but not the CX_User


Standard users of CX have certain restrictions on which targets they can alter. They can utilize the same functionality as CX_User, but they are limited from accessing certain technical areas such as Global Parameter Admin and the ability to record events for future playback. Users with this role do not have the capability to edit or publish to the Production target.

This role is particularly useful when you want to enable sign-off from your more experienced staff before making any changes to rules in the Production environment.

Alterian assigned based on contract


For Alterian customers who are still working on a pure conversion billing basis, this allows us to ensure a GETCXID is present in all rules so these conversations are tracked. This will be an additional role with either CX_User or Technical.

If you feel that you need to change your role, please check with your lead and then raise a request through Alterian support to have your role altered. We will ensure that all role changes are accepted and tracked accordingly.

Please note that Journey Orchestration provides multiple access roles with limited differences. Alterian Journey Analytics is available to all users with no specific roles being applied.



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