About and Tile configuration Screens

About and Tile configuration Screens

Configuration Screen

Open any Tile and Rule Designer will open the Tile Configuration Screen. The configuration screen shows the information relevent to the Tile what it is and how it should be used.

Tile Configuration Screen

This shows and allows to be edited the:

  • Tile name - The Name of the Tile can be adjusted to highlight any specific changes you make to the Tile that highlights specific usage beyond that of the original Template. As any validation errors you see in Rule Designer reference the Tile name renaming the Tiles can add clarity.

  • Icon - The icon can be adjusted by clicking onto the icon

  • Description - The Description can be used to describe the use of this specific Tile and can be used to record changes to the Tile.

  • Service Cost - Set the service cost of a row flowing through this tile. See here for more details.

About Screen

The about screen provides infromation on the underlying template used in this Tile.

This screen shows:

  • Template name - Name of the underlying template used in the tile. This could be a different name from the tile name.

  • Version - Current version of the Template used in the Tile

  • Client - Client the Tile is used in

  • Last Modified - Date and time of the last time the Tile was edited and who made the change

  • Template builder Link - Allows you to open the Template in Template builder

  • Version - Version of the Template available to be upgraded too. An icon at the end of this row allows you to upgrade the template. See more details on upgrading here.

  • Click on the “Open” icon in the "About" section of the tile context menu in Rule Designer to directly access the complete, live Template details. The Templates screen displays the most recent version of a template and provides an overview of all the configurations associated with it, including inputs and outputs. Additionally, you can access the template usage report, which provides a clearer understanding of where the template is being used

    If the template used in a rule is older than the Template available in the Templates screen, we will display the details in read-only mode.

  • We also allow the Template to be downloaded to local storage where it can be stored or edited locally.


The Name of the Tile can be adjusted to highlight any specific changes you make to the Tile that highlights specific usage beyond that of the original Template. As any validation errors you see in Rule Designer reference the Tile name renaming the Tiles can add clarity.

The Description can be used to describe the use of this specific Tile and can be used to record changes to the Tile.


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