Capabilities rolling out in December 2022
Alterian Real-Time CX Platform
Released 30th November 2022
Rules Screen
Keyboard shortcuts
As our standard a Rule when opened opens in the same window. In some cases you may want the Rule in a new tab or a new window.
Now when you are opening a rule you can choose how it opens.
Right click to get to the menu then:
Right click rule > Hold Control - Click open > Opens the Rule in new Tab
Right click rule > Hold Shift - Click open > Opens the Rule in new window
Stop Operational Switch Cases from being edited
Switch cases in a template are sometimes provided to allow Rule Designer users to configure it, adding new values.
In other cases the switch case has been added as part of the core workings of the template and changes to these switch cases it are not needed or desirable.
To protect these “operational” switch cases you are able to disable editing of these switch cases in the underlying template.
Simply open the Template configuration screen and select Switch Cases. Then deselect those switch cases that are operational only.
Users will still see these switch cases in Rule Designer and any output left “open” are still available to be linked to but these Switch Cases cannot be altered.
Global Parameters
Admin flag
Global Parameters provide value to users in multiple roles.
Some Global Parameters contain confidential values or are vital to the successfull running of your Rules. Due to this we now provide an admin function so these Global Parameters can be hidden from users that do not need to use them or should not see them.
If you are an Admin user you now have access to an Admin flag in the Global Parameters screen.
If you choose to make a Parameter “Admin” it will no longer show in the Global Parameters screen for users that do not have an admin role.
The other Global Parameters configurations can still be set as before.
Public / none Public filter
You can now choose to filter Global Parameters by showing Public parameters or not.
Rule Designer
Alterian Email Manager Integration
Many CX use cases require emails to be sent out.
You can now configure an Email Manager send directly within a Rule Designer rule.
This is currently for transactional emails only and should not be used for marketing emails. These email campaigns go out quickly but they circumvent the preferences and unsubscribes that are required for marketing campaigns.
Simply select the “Create Email Manager Tile” option in the Rule flow in Rule Designer. You then choose your creative, the HTML and or Text template you want to send and then review the creative to ensure it matches your requirements.
The field and variable requirements of the template is then used to create fields required by the Tile. The user can then map to these fields from the fields in the flow of the Rule.
Journey Playbooks
Adding Linked Resources to Steps
Steps often provide a specific action or require a specific Rule or integration to work. You can now link resources to the step to highlight what you have created to answer the steps requirements.
For example if the step is involved in a SMS message being sent out you could link to your standard SMS integration template.
Journey Analytics
Location Mapping and Journey Exploration
This feature allows the CX Analyst to explore events relating specifically to a known Journey by assigning those event Locations to a Journey, then filtering the Journey Visualisation view to only include those events included in the Journey they have specified.
IMPORTANT NOTE: This feature should not be used unless a comprehensive Data Transform has been built and assigned. Data Transforms is considered a advanced user or admin function and therefore may not be available to Analyst. You can see if you have a Data Transform in place by opening Journey Visualisation, selection the event stream in question, and a Data Transforms label should appear in the top right of the screen. More information on Data Transform can be found here
Location Mapping and Journey Exploration is a self-contained analytics tool within Alterian CX that gives the analyst a unique opportunity to define the conceptual steps in a Customer Journey, maybe freeform or based on how known Journeys have already been defined in a separate Journey Mapping tool, and then view those with the overlay of the real customer interactions.
This allows the Analyst to create a series of steps they define as a Journey, and overlay that with events and interactions the Customers have actually made, around that framework of Locations.
Known Issues
Dev-9055 | The |
DEV-9062 | The Global Parameters screen previously showed you the list of parameters from the client linked to your brand. In some configurations when multiple brands are setup with multiple clients it’s possible that some clients show in the client dropdown that are not accessible in the Global Parameters screen for this client. |
DEV-5353 | Loading an existing Sankey in Side by side, when using the Quick Access fails to load. Using the grid option does work correctly |
DEV-8342 | Cache delete was not successfull errors inaccurate. The logs may include messages like |
DEV-4283 | Cache Data report does not correctly show numeric field data. If you have a Cache table and a counter table of the same name the numeric value is never pulled back by the Cache Data report. |
Report Issue
To report an issue with the application not detailed here, please contact Technical Support. Please use our Service Desk to report issues.