Initiative Screen

Initiative Screen

The Initiative Screen allows you to set or edit the Initiative name and Description. This is also where you can access Control Group settings and assign Conversion rules to an Initiative.

Finding the right Rule

The Initiative screen can be sorted by many of the columns. The default sort is Rule Name descending. The Last Modified column is likely to be well used. Clicking on it once will show the Last Modified Rules in Descending order. Those you worked on last will be at the top.

To narrow the selection further, filter by Target (Dev, Test or Prod) shows the Target the Rule was saved in. This filter also includes All and Selected - Selected will only show Rules that have previously been assigned to this Initiative. This is the default filter once a Rule has been assigned to an Initiative.

Finally, if you know the name of the Rule you need, simply type into the Search box and we will filter the Rules to only show those that match your search. The search honours the filters.

Initiative Screen view

The screen by default will show:

  • Status - Current Status of the Rule

  • Rule Name - Allows you to identify the Rule

  • Version - Version number of the Rule

  • Rule Groups - The number in the grey circle indicates the number of Rule Groups the Rule is in. Clicking on the number displays the Rule Groups

  • Target - The Target the Rule Group is saved in

  • Last Modified -When the Rule was last modified

  • Selected - Allows the user to assign the Rule to the Initiative or highlights why it cannot be assigned. Normally because it has previously been assigned to another Initiative.


Covered under Conversions and Control Groups.


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