CX Capabilities rolling out in September 2020

CX Capabilities rolling out in September 2020

Capabilities rolling out in September 2020


Alterian Real-Time CX Platform

Released 16th September 2020

Opportunity Matrix

What is Customer Experience? Well Customer Experience (CX) boils down to how people perceive your brand and the products and services it provides. Customer Experience changes with every interaction with your brand every meeting with a salesperson or contact centre chat or product sold that breaks will change how each individual perceives your brand.

Each facet of your brand has an impact so the CX team needs to take a holistic view and help to provide the best interactions for each individual at the right time. For this to work the CX team need to know the interaction points at play and what customer requirements are being met by them.

Over time as the number of CX interactions grows it becomes harder to understand which Interactions are meeting which needs. Are we dealing with pre-sales correctly? How about customers in the complaint process?

Ideally each interaction provides a consistent and optimal interaction and covers all needs. If not, you may miss the key interaction point where the individual really needed guidance, that last bit of information or encouragement to make the right decision.

The Opportunity Matrix shows your CX Business Goals and Initiatives where you are meeting them, where you are not meeting them all against the interaction points or Rules and Rule Groups.

This allows the CX analyst to understand whether the rules they have built are covering the breadth of the initiatives and customer requirements available. More details here.


Idealised Journeys

The names of the steps within the Idealised Journey now span the first two lines in the tile making it easier to read longer names.

Journey Orchestration

Adding Rule Type

Rules built within Rule Designer are created for various purposes. To focus different types of Rules to the correct functionality we now allow Rules to be assigned a Rule Type. Once set the Rule Type will control the Rules you can use and see in certain screens.

When you first save your Rule you can assign the type of Rule, if NO type has previously been assigned it can be assigned in the settings screen in Rule Designer. This allows older Rules to be assigned a Rule type for future use.


Not all Rule scenarios are covered and therefore the default is for a Rule Type to not be set.

The Rule Types we are initially adding are:

  • No selection = Default

  • Influencer = Rules that provide a decision or value back from Alterian CX that a calling system can use to make a active decision upon. This could be to show specific content or a specific email to send. Anything that has been designed to sway a users behaviour would be assigned as an influencer Rule. These play a large part in the new Opportunity Matrix.

  • Tracking/ Location = Rules to track movement between locations but does not provide actionable decisions back. These would be used where you are tracking the users movement through a website, app or through various call scripts in a call centre. Tracking / Location rules do not provide active responses back to the calling system it simply records where the user was when they were exposed to the Influencer Rules. Journey Analytics will show Tracking / Location rules.

  • Conversion = Records an action has occurred but does not provide anything back to influence the decision or action made. This Rule is recording the conversion has occurred it does not alter or attempt to alter the outcome, it simply reports on it. This is shown in Journey Analytics and is is used in our success calculations as they are mapped to Initiatives forming the conversions for them.

When a Rule is assigned a type this is written into the Rule itself. This information is then used to control mappings in the Opportunity Matrix. Due to this a Rule cannot be changed from one Rule Type to another. You can however add a Rule Type when one does not yet exist.

If you need to change the Rule Type of a rule “Save as” creating a new Rule and choose the correct Rule Type as part of the saving process.

New Fields for Rule Tracking

With the introduction of Rule Types we have also broadened the fields that should be provided in any CX call into the Alterian CX solution. Specifically if you want to add depth to your Journey Analytics reporting we now request three identifiers that allow us to understand where the request was being made.

  • ChannelAgentid(#) - At least one identifier should be provided

  • Channel - the Channel the Rule is running on for this specific call, Web, Call centre, App POS, etc

  • Location - the Location within the channel the Rule is currently sitting in when it provides the response

  • Position - The position within the Location where the Rule was being used. This is important to understand whether a Rule running in a Hero banner is more successful than a Rule running in a footer banner for example

Journey Analytics

The Journey Visualisation Sankey diagram displays the stream of events performed by Visitors and, when selecting one of the “Last N Days” filters, the display is based on the most recent data. This new feature allows that view to be extended into the future by seeing a display of Predicted activity by the user over the next N number of events, which is based on previous activity, and predicting from the end of the current Visitor stream using machine learning.

This two stage process involve a “training” process to analyse previous activity and build a model to calculate predicted future steps, with the second phase allowing the analyst to define the number of predicted steps to be viewed. More information can be viewed in the https://alteriandocs.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/PD/pages/724500481 section of this help documentation.



Alterian CXID Processor

The Get CXID Public Template was getting large and taking a while to process, it’s now doing a lot of heavy lifting. We need the creation of CX decisions to be as snappy as possible. To aid this we have now built a Alterian CXID Processor step that does the bulk of the CXID creation work programmatically. This new step will be released as part of this update.

It will be put live in production as part of this release so updated Get CXID templates will automatically take advantage of the improvements.

If you want to download to Spoon Rules containing the Get CXID template you will need to download the updated Alterian Steps from the API help here before you can do so.

Public Templates

Offer Management

Journey Orchestration provides a simple way to provide very targeted “ decisions” allowing customer interaction points across a myriad of channels to provide to the user the optimal experience.

In many cases the Rule identifies the person exposed to the touchpoint and then works out the most valuable type of response for them at that specific time. The type of response could be to meet a CX initiative, provide information around certain types of content or be more focused, encouraging them down the sales process with a tailored offer.

Once the decision has been made on the type of response to provide back many Rules then have a mechanism to lookup suitable content to provide back to the calling solution.

Our new Offer Management Public Templates allow you to create a matrix of Offer values, including defaults and active windows and then enables you to call this from multiple different Rules. Each Rule simply needs to provide the type of response and the offer identifier and then the Offer Management Rule will lookup the current best content from the Offer Matrix. More details here.

Last Seen During Period

The Last Seen During Period Public Template uses the up to date information generated by the Get CXID Public Template to allow you to switch the Rule flow on whether a person has been exposed to your brand via Alterian CX over a configurable period of time.

This could be used to provide specific messages and offers to re-engage with the users who are infrequent users of your brand. More details here.

IP Location Lookup

We are often asked how to make CX decisions as targeted as possible. Once of the methods is to clearly understand as much as possible about the person interacting at the time of interaction. This Public Template is especially useful for our brands with an offline presence; it takes the IP address at the time of interaction and provides back into the flow of the rule various location details including country, city, latitude, and longitude. These fields can then be used in further personalisation - nearest store offers or direction information for example. More details here.

Further Public Templates

Example - Send to SendGrid - Example of a Public template that with minimal adaption can be used to send emails through SendGrid.

Send Plivio SMS - Enables easy integration with Plivio allowing SMS messages to be sent.



The Rules API drives our ability to create performant user interfaces for our customers. Each call provides a lot of information and it was not as performant as it could be. We have enhanced the performance of the API significantly.

Known Issues


New Known field in Journey analytics always zero


New Known field in Journey analytics always zero

Report Issue

To report an issue with the application not detailed here, please contact Technical Support. Please use our Service Desk to report issues.

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