How Customer Attributes are added to events
The loading of Customer Attribute data is a Customer responsibility. The addition of the Customer Attributes and Persona to allow Journey Analytics filtering and improved dashboards is an automated process.
Alterian provide a series of event queue Public Templates.
These templates pass event data into data streams that are used by Journey Analytics, our dashboards and reporting.
The Public templates that create data streams for have been upgraded to contain a parameter (AlterianQueue_customerAttributeTable) that references a table* with our standard Customer Experience ID (CXID) as the key.
As soon as the Customer Attribute table has been configured each time an event is passed to Alterian Journey Analytics any data from the Customer Attribute Table linked to the corresponding Customer Experience ID will also get passed through.
We will always pass through all the matching data that exists for an individual - you will be able to understand much more clearly “who” does what and why. As the freshness of the data is dependent on when it was loaded our customers should consider how frequent a load process is required to unsure the correct data is passed through.
For example, you would be able to filter by customer value decile to see how your bigger spending users interact with your website or use customer type to identify why one offer may have been better than another.
Customer Attribute Event Process
Customer to ensure current event queue Public Templates are used in all Rules where Custom Attribute data is required.
Events generated automatically lookup the CXID and will append any Customer Attribute and Persona data that currently exists for the same CXID
Enhanced data is passed into Journey Analytics for improved filtering and reporting.
*Please contact Alterian Support to organise the creation of this table and to discuss how to keep the information up to date in the most performant manner.
*Please note that data loads come with a cost. Please review your contract for pricing.