Linking and Mapping Tiles

Linking and Mapping Tiles

Linking Tiles

A Rule is created by adding Tiles into the Rule flow. Where a Tile has more than one output you can select an Output by clicking on the + to the Right of the Tile.  This provides a dropdown showing the Outputs available at this point.

Tiles that contain Switch cases may have multiple outputs.

As you add more Tiles the Rule Designer canvas will expand to provide a clear view of your growing Rule.

Remove a Link

At times you may need to insert a Tile or a group of Tiles into a Rule flow. Each Link between Tiles has a menu.

Click on the menu and select Remove Link. This will cause several errors to occur. To add new Tiles, click on the + on the left hand side Tile, then select an output and in the Template Selection Screen choose your new Template.

Add all the Tiles that are required as normal.

To link back up with the Rule Flow open the Template Selection Screen for the final Tile and filter by Connect to. Select the appropriate Tile and this will link back up with the Rule flow.

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