Settings and Security
Settings is found in the ribbon bar in the file grouping.
Settings allows you to change the Description for the Rule without having to do a save as. This can be useful if the Description is holding notes on the changes made to the Rule.
Rule Security Options
Require API Token
By default, all Rules created in Rule Designer can be called with no restrictions.
Many Rules will either provide a generic response back or store data. If the Rule provides sensitive or personal information as part of it’s response back you should insist that the calling solution identifies itself using an API key. These keys are available from the Alterian support team.
To require an API for a rule use the drop-down box in Setting to select Require API Token as the Security Option. With this selected each call to this rule will need to supply an API key as part of the call into Alterian CX.
Forbid External Invokes
When you are building your rules you may call out to other rules to gather information to allow the rule to work.
We use this in some of our Public Templates, for example where we provide Offer Management. You would not want the Offer Management rule to be called externally - everyone would be able to access all offers.
To only allow this rule to be used internally you can select for the rule to forbid external Invokes. When this is selected the rule can be called from other rules in your Alterian CX client but they cannot be called externally.
Rule Help
Rules can have a help link added in settings, accessible from the file section of the toolbar.
If a link is added the Rule now shows a link in two areas:
In Rule Designer as a ? next to output links in the toolbar
In the Rules screen as a ? to the left of the Rule name in the list