Template Selection Screen
You will use the Template Selection Screen extensively as you create your Rules. Its main purpose is to provide a clear view of the Templates available to you and to guide you towards the most appropriate ones.
Template Type filter
The Template Type filter guides you to the Templates that "may" make the most sense at this position in flow of the Rule.
These filters are divided into two with " Show All" showing you both Start and Connector Templates
Start: These Templates contain the required attributes to be placed as the start tile in the Rule. For the Start Tile this ensures that the Template selected contains a Realtime Input Step or Process Future events step or both. These are required for you to call the Rule. Without one of these in place you simply cannot call the Rule and therefore it won't work.
Connector: These Templates require fields in the Rule flow and do not have the attributes to be a start tile. These make up the bulk of the templates you will work with.
The icon on the left hand side provides a view on how “suitable” a given Template may be for addition at this point in the Rule.
We work out the fields required by each template and then assess what's present at this point in the flow of the Rule. If all the fields are present it’s 100% and a happyy face, no mapping required. If non of the required fields are present we show 0% and a sad face.
This does not mean that 0% suitability templates cannot be used. It just means more fields will need to be mapped to allow it to work.
Public Templates
Select whether you want to see templates that have been saved into your client, those saved in the Public client (Created by Alterian) or both.
Allows you to select the client you would like to select a template from.
Navigating the Template Selection screen
The Template Selection Screen by default view shows Suitability, Icon, Template name, Last Modified Date, Client and Service Cost. Other columns are available in the columns selection if required
These include:
Version – Current version number of the Template - This may be different from the version or versions currently used in the Rule.
Client – Client in which the Template is stored
Last Modified – Last date and time the Template was modified and who last made the change
Parameters – Number of Parameters in the Template
Data grids – Number of Data Grids in the Template
Inputs – Number of inputs in the Template
Outputs - Number of the Outputs the Template contains
Switch Cases - Showing the number of switch cases used by the Template
At the top of the Template Selection Screen we have a a search function. Search allows you to search for a specific Template. Start typing and it will filter the Templates by name as you type.
Template Help Links
Templates can include Help links. These show as a help Icon next to the Template name. Click on the icon to open the help to get clear information on the Template and what it does.
Help has been created for all Public Templates. Clicking on the Help link will open the help page in a separate tab.