Generating Event data
As a person interacts with your brand via Alterian CX they provide a rich source of information. Each time a Rule is called we identify the person, what Rule fired, why the specific Rule fired and what result was provided back. We call this Event data.
As more Rules are triggered, we can link one Rule to another and create a customer journey with the Rules or Events as steps along the way. The more interactions with Alterian CX the person triggers the richer the information we can gather and the more effective the decisions based on the data will be.
This Event data also provides a collection of data that allows us to report on the success of the Rules themselves and specifically the content provided by the Rules.
Alterian have provided an easy mechanism to collect this event data called event queues.
Each customer will be setup with one or more event queues. These queues feed the event data out of Alterian CX into a long-term database where it can be easily analysed through other Alterian CX solutions like Journey Analytics.