Offer Management Rule

Offer Management Rule

The Offer Management Public Template allows our users to create a centralised location where offers to customers can be controlled.

The Offer Management Public Template is available to all customers but must be used in conjunction with the Offer Lookup Rule Rule. To use it, create an empty Rule in your Client and then pull in the “Offer Management” Tile from Public Templates. This Tile has been configured to work independently and does not need any other Tiles to allow it to work.

Save the Rule and name it appropriately. Remember the name of the Rule chosen here will be used to call this Rule from your other Rules so keeping it clear and consise is advantageous.

Once Saved, open the data grid to setup and manage your offers.

Don’t forget you can output your Data Grid to excel, edit it locally and then load the Data Grid back in. Useful if you have a series of defaults you want to use regularly. Just keep the default values on your desktop to start the process.

Input Data








Pass through the client calling this lookup. See the Documentation for Offer Lookup Rule on how this may easily be achieved.



Pass through the client calling this lookup. See the Documentation for Offer Lookup Rule on how this may easily be achieved.

Dev, Prod or Test


Pass through the Rule calling this lookup. See the Documentation for Offer Lookup Rule on how this may easily be achieved.



Pass through the Rule referring to this lookup. See the Documentation for Offer Lookup Rule on how this may easily be achieved.



This is the Offer Identifier that should be looked up




Data Grid Column



Data Grid Column




Passed from the Offer Lookup Rule this identifies the “Type” of Offer to provide back

sales101, 1002020, Best Offers


Provides the Value for this Offer - It could be 10% 20% 50% Discount etc

10,20, 30 Dependent on the calling system

Static Value

Static offer value that is provided for this offer.


Offer Code

Provides an OfferCode that could be used by the calling system to provide the offer to the individual. I.e Offercode provided to the individual is Summer Sale and the Value is 25. This equates to 25% off when the offer code Summer Sale is used at checkout.

Summer Sale, Discount10%, Birthday10


Identifies the Offer that should be used if this specific offer is not “Live”. These can be chained togather to work through the most appropriate offers until Rule Orchestration finds one that is currently live.

Matches the Offer Identifier so depends on customer usage patterns. In the example above 1, 4

Offer Start Date

Start of a time window when the Offer becomes live. If no Offer Start Date is provided the rule is seen to be live as soon as it has been put live.


Offer End Date

Date when this Offer stops being live. If no Offer End Date is provided the Rule will continue until it is removed, the manual “live flag is set to null or N or a date in the past is added.


Offer Quota

A quota on the number of times this specific offer can be provided. Once the quota is fulfilled the Offer Management step will skip to the next one


Redemption Quota

A quota on the number of times this specific offer can be redeemed. Once the quota is fulfilled the Offer Management step will skip to the next one



Simply, is this Offer “Live” and available to be selected. If not Yes Offer Management will skip to the next one.


Image URL

An image highlighting this specific Offer. Likely to be used with the Dynamic Content, Public Rule and Template


Link URL

An fully referenced URL that links to a page highlighting the result of this specific Offer. Likely to be used with the Dynamic Content, Public Rule and Template


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