Validate Tracking Data - Removed
This template has been removed. Validation of Channelagentids is no longer required and validation of identifiers is now performed within the GET CXID public template
We need to ensure that the data being pushed into Journey Analytics and the CX Dashboards is accurate and will create useful learnings for our users. We do not validate the data that is fed into Rules, relying instead on our customers to be careful when Rule building and integration to ensure the required fields are available when needed.
Our Journey Analytics and the CX Dashboards have mandatory fields and work best when the data provided meets our field and format requirements.
The Validate Tracking Data Public Template will check for the existence of these fields in tracking Rules, check the format of these fields is correct and provide a way to output rows that fail validation.
The Validate Tracking Data Public Template does not itself remove rows that fail validation. Instead it will highlight the row as failing validation allowing our users a choice on how to handle these exceptions.
Our Event Queue Public templates will be configured to no longer accept failing rows. Users should use this Template to understand where validation failings our occuring and make the necassary changes to the Rule or integration to correct.
To ensure this Public template works correctly please add into your rule directly before the Get CXID.
To ensure the the Validate Tracking Data public template works correctly please add into your rule directly before the Get CXID.
Input data
Field | Description | Example |
AlterianCX_isvalid | Added by the RIS or the PFE steps for use by this Template. If the Invocation fails Validation this Template will change the field value here to N or Y | AlterianCX_isvalid = null - Row has not yet been through Validation AlterianCX_isvalid = N - Row has failed Validation AlterianCX_isvalid = Y - Row has passed Validation
AlterianCX_channelagentid1* | One of the Channelagentids should be present* | Phone Number |
AlterianCX_channelagentid2* | One of the Channelagentids should be present* | Email Address |
AlterianCX_channelagentid3* | One of the Channelagentids should be present* | Cookie ID |
AlterianCX_isknown | Required for validation. A none null value needs to exist |
AlterianQueue_location | Required for validation. A none null value needs to exist |
AlterianQueue_channel | Required for validation. A none null value needs to exist |
The template will validate the fields and formats shown below. If the Row fails validation the “AlterianCX_isvalid =” field is updated to AlterianCX_isvalid =N if it passes Validation the field is updated to AlterianCX_isvalid = Y.
This field is created by the Realtime Input Step and the PFE steps and before it passes through a Validate Tracking Data is will simply be null and show as AlterianCX_isvalid =null in the logs.
Please note it’s possible in the future more than one Validation step will be created for different scenarios. If more than one Validation Public Template is used it may be the row passes validation for one and not the other. We would still class thta Row as failing validation.
Validation Requirements
Field | Description | Example |
AlterianCX_channelagentid1* | One of the Channelagentids should be present* | Phone Number |
AlterianCX_channelagentid2* | One of the Channelagentids should be present* | Email Address |
AlterianCX_channelagentid3* | One of the Channelagentids should be present* | Cookie ID |
AlterianCX_isknown | Required for validation. A none null value needs to exist |
AlterianQueue_location | Required for validation. A none null value needs to exist |
AlterianQueue_channel | Required for validation. A none null value needs to exist |
Output Data
Field | Description | Example |
AlterianCX_isvalid | Added by the RIS or the PFE steps for use by this Template. If the Invocation fails Validation this Template will change the field value here to N or Y | AlterianCX_isvalid = N - Row has failed Validation AlterianCX_isvalid = Y - Row has passed Validation
AlterianQueue_location | Required for validation. This value needs to exist |
AlterianQueue_channel | Required for validation. This value needs to exist |