Upgrading a Template within a Tile
The version of the Template within the tile in your Rule was set when the Template was initially added to it.
The “Live” Template within Journey Orchestration may be very different. It may have been changed to provide your rule with more functionality, more logging or changed default values.
If the live version of the Rule, the version showing in the Templates screen differs from the version within the Tile, Rule Designer will highlight below each Tile that a new version of the rule is available for upgrade. Hovering your mouse over the Version upgrade text will show the new version number available.
To upgrade you can either click on the upgrade text under the Rule or click on the version number in the Tile Configuration screen.
You do not have to upgrade the Template in the Rule. In fact, if the Rule is running in production you are likely to want to test the upgraded template in the test Target first.
Upgrade Options
When you choose to upgrade you are offered two upgrade options:
Keep Existing Values
Any existing values will be maintained. The new Template will not receive any new defaults.
Overwrite from newer version
Removes the current Template and fully replaces it with the new version. Any changed values in the Rule version will be lost as the Defaults for the Live Template will be applied.
In some cases where the version of the Template “live” has been rolled back, “upgrading” my take the Rule back to an earlier version.
Upgrading multiple templates
Some of the rules you create may reuse the same template multiple times. We allow you to multi-select the tiles you choose to upgrade and then upgrade them all saving you time and effort.
Left Click with control to select the chosen Templates and then right click on one of the selected Tiles.
This provides the context menu. Choose Update selected templates. You will not be provided with the standard upgrade choices. Only one decision is available here so the same answer needs to apply to all the tiles selected.