Linked Rules

Linked Rules

When you are building your Rules there will be scenarios where it’s useful for your rule to call out to another rule to gather or store information.

We use this functionality in our standard tracking rules to lookup categories from a centralised Category Management Public template.

To make it easier to understand the rules you are calling from a specific tile we provide links to the linked rules.

Where you only have a single rule called from a tile we provide a globe icon on the tile. Clicking on this will open the linked rule in a different tab. You can then review and adjust as needed.

Linked Rules


Where more than one linked rule is present in a tile the one-click globe icon is not shown as we do not know which rule you would want to open.

Above the Tile we show a linked rules icon. Clicking on this shows you all the rules that are linked to from this tile.

Showing and controlling linked Rules

The linked rules are shown in alphabetical order and we show the client, target, validity and status of the linked rule.

The name and location of the Rule being called is often set by a parameter. We show the parameter that holds the value in the Linked Rules page making it much easier to identify where the value for a linked rule should be added, if it is missing or edited.

Showing the Parameter that holds the value for the linked rule


The rule name is clickable opening the linked rule in a separate tab.

The linked Rule can be started or stopped by right clicking and selecting approprately.


Creating missing linked Rules

Where a linked Rule is missing we make it easy to create it. Hovering over the validity will state

“Rule could not be found”

Simply right click on the missing Rule and select create Rule.

This will open Rule Designer with the Rule name prepopulated from the required rule name.

You can build your rule from here.





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