Data Grids in the Tile Configuration Screen

Data Grids in the Tile Configuration Screen

We have explored the concept of Data Grids. We likened them to the controls of a machine. Changing the values in the Data Grids can have an impact on the results created by the Rule.
If the Tile you are looking at contains any Data Grids a Data Grids (#) tab will show at the top of the Tile Configuration screen. The # highlights the number of Data Grids present in the Tile. Clicking on this Tab will open a view showing you the default Data Grid present in the Rule.
This screen can also be accessed by clicking on the Data Grid icon that sits atop any Tile containing Data Grids providing a quick way to view these controls.
If more than one data grid is present in the Tile a drop-down box at the top of the screen will allow you to move between the Grids.
Once a change to a Data Grid item is made the change is immediate even if the Rule has not yet been saved.
The Data Grid columns are set by the underlying Template and cannot be changed in Rule Designer. As a user you can change the values in specific cells. You can also add rows to the Data Grid by clicking on the Add icon at the top right-hand side. This will insert a new row at the bottom that can be populated.
Rows can be deleted by clicking on the Delete button on the right-hand side.

Data Grids as accessed from the Rules Screen now allow a user to download and upload. The files are exported in a CSV files format. Files loaded in should be in the same format.

The files uploaded will replace the existing version.

New columns in the Data Grid cannot be added on upload but new rows using the existing columns can be added.

Currently editing the CSV from the Data Grid in Microsoft Excel adds attributes that will prohibit it from being uploaded. These attributes can be removed by pasting into Notepad before you attempt top upload. Alternatively editing the CSV file in notpad only will allow upload.

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