Category Lookup
The Category Lookup Public Template is available to all customers but must be used in conjunction with the Category Management rule. To use it, pull the Public Template into your Rule after you have created your Category Management
This rule simply passes a URL to the Category Management Public Template and gets a Category identifier back any linked engagement score, a Conversion identifier and Conversion value.
Save the Rule and name it appropriately.
Input Data
Field | Description | Example |
categoryLookupUrl | This is commonly mapped to the urlPath field. If a more appropriate field holds an indication on the location of the Rule then this can be mapped instead. | |
Field Mapping.
Once Saved, open Parameters to manage the Rule.
Parameter | Description | Example |
CategoryManagementRule | Identifies the Category Management Rule to use to lookup the Category. By Default this is set to the standard sister Public template “category management”. You can create other Category management rules and link to those here if you decide to use more than one category management Rule. | acadiantravelcategorytracking conversioncategorymanagement Category management |
Output Fields
Field | Description | Example |
DDE_Client | Pass through the client calling this lookup. | Demo |
DDE_Target | Pass through the client calling this lookup. | Dev, Prod or Test |
AlterianCX_Referrer | The standard referrer field has been added here to aid field mapping. If a more appropriate field holds an indication on the location of the Rule then this can be mapped instead. | |
categoryLookupUrl | URL of the category |
category | What Category was returned as the result of the Category Lookup. | Family |
engagementScoreIncrement | Engagement score value returned from the Category Lookup. I.e Family Category engagement score is 4. This will be returned. | 4, 10, 1000 |
IsConversion | Allows you to identify this specific row as a Conversion event. This accepts True. | True |
conversionValue | A monetary value attributed to the conversion. This can be mapped to the appropriate Conversion Queue field to provide an indication on the importance of the conversion | 2, 10 , 1000 |