Read Category Access
As we gather Category Information it’s useful to understand how an individual is interacting with the various Categories. Are they spending time researching family, business or luxury holidays? If we know we can optimise this experience.
This Public Template provides back information on the Categories this user has been exposed to throughout all their interactions with this brand.
The Read Category Access Public Template is available to all customers but must be used in conjunction with the Get CXID as the Alterian CXID is used to lookup the Categories they have been exposed too.
This rule simply uses the AlterianCX_CXID recieved from the Get CXID and provides back a pipe delimited list of Categories ever viewed in frequency of visitation order.
Input Data
Field | Description | Example |
AlterianCX_cxid | CXID Identifier provided by the Get CXID tile |
Output Fields
Field | Description | Example |
categories | What Category has this CXID been exposed to, viewed in frequency of order of view. In this example they have been to Default first, then Family and then Business. | default|family|business |