Using Category Public Templates
This provides a view of the Category Public Templates available and how they should be used togather.
| Public Template | What it does | Templates it Requires | What fields it provides |
| Category Management | Allows you to set the Rules to allocate your Categories in a single location and allows Engagement scores, Conversion identifiers and Conversion values to be assigned to each one | Category Lookup within a rule |
| Category Lookup Rule | Allows you to lookup a Category based on the provision of a URL path and get a specific Category, Engagement Score, whether it is a Conversion and a Conversion Value back | Category Management | Category Engagement Score IsConversion conversionValue |
| Update Category Count | Stores the Category information against a individual (CXID) allowing the information to be used by by other Category rules. This is often placed directly behind the Category lookup Rule. | Category Lookup rule
| Read Category Access | Uses the Information generated by the Update Category Count Public Template and provides back a pipe delimited list of all the Categories ever viewed in frequency of visitation order. | Get CXID (CXID) | categories (default|family|business) |
| Read Category Count | Uses the Information generated by the Update Category Count Public Template and provides back information on how an individual has interacted with a specific Category over three time periods. | Category Management (Category) Get CXID (CXID) | For a specific Category:
| Read Top Category Count | Uses the Information generated by the Update Category Count Public Template and provides back information on the most interacted with Categories over three time periods. | Get CXID (CXID) | For all Categories: