Setting up Exclusive Identifiers

Setting up Exclusive Identifiers

How do I setup Exclusive Identifiers in Alterian CX?”


This process involves identifying exclusive identifiers used to distinguish individuals in your rules, these cannot be shared ensuring they are unique to each person. The presence of these exclusive identifiers helps us decide, under certain circumstances, whether merging should occur or not.

Exclusive Identifiers are configured through Parameters in the GetCXID Public Template.

To utilize the Exclusive Identifier functionality, you must already be using the Identification fields. These fields are crucial to distinguish the quality of the identifiers provided.


Select the identifiers you wish to use in the Exclusive Identifiers functionality and add them to the AlterianCX_exclusiveIdentificationFields parameter as an ordered list.

If you choose to use multiple identifiers, please prioritize them in the order of importance.

It is essential that the selected identifiers meet the following criteria:

  1. High quality identifiers, meaning they should be closely linked to an individual, ensuring accuracy.

  2. Exclusive, indicating that an individual would not typically have more than one per brand.

  3. Not shared - this identifier would not naturally be shared. Unlike for example email address.

  4. Existing Identification Fields - The fields added as Exclusive Identifiers should always also be included as AlterianCX_IdentificationFields. Based on the other criteria they are also highly likely to be the higher priority values

If you add multiple exclusive identifier fields, the system will process them in priority order when checking for merges.

When we decide not to merge due to the presence of exclusive identifiers, we will continue tracking using the highest priority identifier provided.

For instance, let's consider a scenario where "Bob" borrows your computer and, using your browser, visits a website and logs in as himself, receiving his CustomerID.

In this case, the Web Browser cookie will belong to you, while the CustomerID from the login will belong to Bob. Since we prioritize the CustomerID as the higher priority identifier in the AlterianCX_identificationFields, we will not merge the data. Instead, the events will be assigned to Bob's CXID, linked to his CustomerID.


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