CX Capabilities rolling out in November 2020
Capabilities rolling out in November 2020
Alterian Real-Time CX Platform
Released 7th November 2020
Journey Orchestration
Rules Screen
The Timeouts and Invokes shown in the Rules Screen are useful cumulative values generated since Reporting Statistics were last reset. This provides a good general view of long-term rule usage and health but does not show Rule health in the moment. We have now created Rule Health functionality that now provides this.
Rules Invokes and Timeouts are assessed each hour and an icon highlights the Rule health based on the percentage of timeouts compared to Invokes.
Hovering over the icon will show the Status and current percentage success rate. Clicking on the Health Icon allows you to click through the Operational Reporting or Logging to get a clearer view on what may be happening:
Green Icon “Good”- Less than 0.5 % Rule timeouts over the reporting period
Amber Icon “Concern”- 0.5% - 2% Rule timeouts over the reporting period
Red Icon “Warning” - Greater than 2% Rule timeouts over the reporting period
Data Grids
Data Grids as accessed from the Rules Screen now allow a user to download and upload. The files are exported in a CSV files format. Files loaded in should be in the same format.
The files uploaded will replace the existing version.
New columns in the Data Grid cannot be added on upload but new rows using the existing columns can be added.
Rule Groups
Rule Groups - Copy across Targets
Rule Groups allow you to group multiple Rules that meet a specific CX goal togather. Once gathered under a rule you are able to invoke the Rule Group itself rather than calling the separate Rules. As each Rule can have a specific priority the Rule Group allows you to make a single call, automatically invoke each Rule in the Rule Group and receive back a prioritised list of the results.
This functionality provides high value for our customer.
Rule Groups are created in a specific target and previously had to be recreated in each target if required. The required Rules then had to be created and assigned to each one. This was a convoluted process that slowed our customers when following the standard Test, Dev, Prod safe promotion process we encourage.
Rule groups can now be promoted between the Targets. Where Rules do not exist in that Target they will be created:
If the Rules in the Rule Group do not exist in the Target you are copying into the copy process will automatically create the Rules.
If the Rules in the Rule Group do exist in the Target you are copying into the copy process will automatically update the Rules with the version from the Target in which the Copying Rule Group sits.
In each scenario the Rules are created or overwritten into the state they were in the original Target. This is important when copying a Rule Group into Production. If the Rules in Development are “Running” and are “Paused” in Production. Copying from Development to Production will overwrite it and it will start in a “Running” state.
Rule Designer
The Rule logging functionality provides a window into the running of a specific Rule. It can help to understand the data being created and can help to triage issues with running Rules.
The logging has been improved to make this investigation and triage process easier.
You can now filter by log type, Write to Log are specifically added to the underlying Rule Templates. These are added to help triage issues or review the data being processed. System logs provide more general information on the Rule and its current state.
A date and time filter has been added to allow specific date ranges to be explored.
Switch Case
The Switch case functionality has had a makeover.
Adding a value and saving will automatically use this as the Output name
Various elements have been renamed
The Switch case can now use fields created by all Tiles upstream of it in the flow
Journey Analytics
Path Prediction
The Journey Visualisation Sankey diagram displays the stream of events performed by Visitors and, when selecting one of the “Last N Days” filters, the display is based on the most recent data. This new feature allows that view to be extended into the future by seeing a display of Predicted activity by the user over the next N number of events, which is based on previous activity, and predicting from the end of the current Visitor stream using machine learning.
This two stage process involve a “training” process to analyse previous activity and build a model to calculate predicted future steps, with the second phase allowing the analyst to define the number of predicted steps to be viewed. More information can be viewed in the section of this help documentation.
Public Templates
Event Queue
The Event Queue requires a CX decision for reporting. This is the actual “thing” that is passed back to the calling solution as the response to the call. In the past this value was automatically set as the actual result of the Realtime Output step running in the winning Rule. Our customers wanted more flexibility over the value. This value could for example be the type of email sent out; or the banner shown, or the call centre script used.
To provide this enhanced level of flexibility we now allow the CX decision to be mapped to any field in the flow. Just select the field in the Event Queue that provides the required values with the correct detail and it will be passed to the queue for reporting purposes.
This field works best where low cardinality values are used so we would encourage this is considered as part of the CX Decision choice. This field is capped at the first 100 characters.
Concatenate Fields
Takes up to five fields and concatenates them together into a single field called Output. This is useful when used in conjunction with the CX decision as various fields can be linked to form a useful CX Decision. The separator can be changed via a parameter. Trailing separators can be removed by setting a parameter flag.
Clone Fields
Takes a chosen field in the flow and creates a clone of this value called copyOfInputField. Note the original field is renamed to inputField as part of this process.
Is Control Switch
Looks up the IsControl flag in the flow indicating an individual is in a control group and then passes the individual down one of two outputs
Not in Control Group
In Control Group
Although those in the Control group should get a standard experience this allows our users to configure basic operational responses to fulfil CX requirements which may be more difficult if they are in the Control Group
Further Public Templates
Example - Send to SendGrid - Example of a Public template that with minimal adaption can be used to send emails through SendGrid.
Send Plivio SMS - Enables easy integration with Plivio allowing SMS messages to be sent.
DEV-3496 | Create Rule from Template was duplicating Switchcases this has been resolved. |
Known Issues
DEV-3607 | New Known field in Journey analytics always zero |
Report Issue
To report an issue with the application not detailed here, please contact Technical Support. Please use our Service Desk to report issues.