CX Capabilities rolling out in November 2021
Capabilities rolling out in November 2021
Alterian Real-Time CX Platform
Released 4th November 2021
Template Screen
Persistence of Template and Rule Information
Previously if a user changed the description, Icon or help link of a Rule or Template within Alterian CX these were persisted within Alterian CX. However, If you did not download the updated template to Spoon when you came to work on it again uploading the version within spoon would overwrite anything that was specifically set.
We now store this information within Alterian CX so changes are persisted however you choose to work.
Template Help links
Previously the help link explaining what a Template was and what it provided was included within the Template description. This required you to open the Template and then click through to see the any relevant information.
This took the user out of the flow of Rule construction.
This process has been improved by the addition of a specific Help link in the Template upload screen. Once the Help link has been added it shows next to the Template name in the Templates Screen and in the Template selection screen.
Rules Screen
Health State now has a visual indication
The Health functionality provides an icon to show the Rule health over the last two hours. We now include a text label to make the result clearer.
Rule Designer
Tile Configuration Screen download
You can now download the tile template directly from the Configuration screen.
“Save As” now has a Target
“Save As” within Rule Designer now has the option to choose a Target Dev, Test or Prod when saving.
More Quick Filters
When reviewing the logs it’s often useful to remove anything created before specific test was made. We have added two more Quick Filters to make this process easier.
“From now onwards” will show the logs created from the point at which it is clicked and automatically refresh to show new logs every 30 seconds.
“5 minutes rolling” will show the logs generated in the last five minutes. After five minutes more it will refresh removing the original five mins to only show the last five minutes.
Log Message Download honours format
Previously when you downloaded the log message it was automatically downloaded as “Raw Text” even if you were viewing the log using the default “Formatted” view. This meant the downloaded log was not as easy to read as the formatted view available within the logs screen.
Now the log download will honour the log format chosen.
Logging Keyboard shortcuts
You can now use the up and down keys to move through the logs once you have initially selected one
Working with Ranges
Ranges allow a user to take a field in the rule and create a split based on value ranges set by the user. The value of the chosen field then determines the range matched and the output the row will flow down.
An example may be Order value. You may want an email follow-up for an order of less than $100 but a phone confirmation for orders above. In this example the ranges would be 0- 100 and 100 and above.
Ranges allow you to choose the field and then set the ranges and the name of the output. Each range will create an output that have distinct behaviour.
The user can select a default for values outside the ranges or choose a range they created as the default.
Marking a Parameter as Confidential will obscure any values set so they can no longer be viewed.
Click through to Rules or Rule Groups from Opportunities
You can now click on Rules or Rule Groups in Opportunites opening them in the appropriate screens where they can be viewed and modified.
Rich Text Descriptions
Business Goals and Initiatives now have rich text descriptions.
The ability to select or remove a rule from an Initiative has been adapted as it was very easy to miss click and remove Rules accidentally. You now need to click on the checkbox itself to add or remove the Rule.
Public Templates
Dynamic Content
Dynamic Content allow a specific Image URL and Clickthrough to be provided back based on an user identifier and a Offer identifier.
We look-up the Offer using the standard Offer Management Rule. This allows us to have hierarchical offers, turn offers off, timed offers and have quotas on offers. The appropriate offer details are passed into the Rule flow WITH open and click URLs which are fed back.
In practice this allows an image within an Email to change in real-time based on the offers currently available or to change the images on quotas or time and dates.
Offer Management
Offer Management now has Image and Clickthrough columns to support the Dynamic Content Public Template.
Offer Lookup
Offer Lookup now has Image and Clickthrough columns to support the Dynamic Content Public Template.
Journey Analytics
Colour Coded Other Events and No Events
The Journey Visualisation Sankey diagram now has colour coding for “Other” and “No” Events. Previously these aggregated or filler events would appear as the same colour, so more clarity has been added by differentiating between colours. It should be noted that these colours are fixed and cannot be assigned alternatives.
Group By Unique Value Option
In previous versions, when changing the Group By selection the label, or unit of representation of that node changes, but the number of nodes did not, it was simply the label that changed. For example, initially viewing by Location, each node on the Journey Visualisation represented an interaction with a specific Location. When switching to Category, the number of nodes remains that same, but the label now displays that Category of he location.
For example, if a single Visitor visits three different Locations (web pages), and all these have the same Category, when viewing with a Group By of Location, this would be three nodes on the flow each with a differ Location label. Then when switching to the Category Location, this would still be three nodes all displaying the same Category.
With the new “Show Unique Nodes” set to true, the Journey Visualisation with the Category Group by will now display a single node as all Locations had the same Category therefore only one unique Category is visited.
Steps / Plugins
The Spoon DDE Plugin will now provide a list of the clients you have available when you are uploading so one can be easily selected.
Storage of data for the behind the Dashboards section of the Product has been updated to a SQL back end for greater Dashboard options to be created in future releases.
DEV-6483 | The bottom Rule Group in Opportunites did not hide when clicked. This has been resolved. |
DEV-6416 | The Template upload dialog hung on the "Saving..." message if the template failed validation on upload. This has been resolved. |
Known Issues
DEV-4283 | Cache Data report does not correctly show numeric field data. If you have a Cache table and a counter table of the same name the numeric value is never pulled back by the Cache Data report. |
DEV-5353 | Loading an existing Sankey in Side by side, when using the Quick Access fails to load. Using the grid option does work correctly |
DEV-6115 | Problem with expiring CX User Passwords |
Report Issue
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