CX Capabilities rolling out in September 2021

CX Capabilities rolling out in September 2021

Capabilities rolling out in September 2021


Alterian Real-Time CX Platform

Released 23rd September 2021

Template Screen

Client and Public Template Filters

You can now choose to filter your Templates by the clients you have access to. You can also choose to hide or display Public Templates.

Rules Screen

Client and Public Rule Filters

You can now choose to filter your Rules by the clients you have access to. You can also choose to hide or display Public Rules.

Rule Designer

Rule Types

The Rule Type is now automatically set by the selection of event queues for a Rule. For example, if you choose a “Conversion event queue” your Rule will be identified as a Conversion Rule. The ability to set this value in the UI has been removed.


Logging within Rule Designer has been comprehensively updated.

When Logs are selected from within Rule Designer you now have the ability to view the logs at the left or at the bottom of the Rule Designer screen. To provide an even clearer view you can now undock the logging screen from within Rule Designer allowing it to be moved on to another screen. This allows the user to have a test screen, Rule Designer and the logs generated by the Rule visible at the same time which greatly aids Rule design and issue triage.

Clicking on a log row now shows the log in full either on the right hand side or directly below the log list.

User selection of columns is now possible.

Four quick filters are available allowing you to see the logs generated over set periods of time. For example choosing 15 minutes ago will show you the logs created 15 minutes ago to “Now”. New logs are also included when refreshed.

To find the most appropriate logs we now support * as an appended wildcard when searching.

Public Templates

Email and Social

Knowing how an interaction with your brand started is very useful. It allows you to personalise the experience making it as relevant as possible. It also allows retrospective investigations into differences in journeys. For instance, how do customers arriving from the monthly newsletter or Twitter journey through your website compared to those arriving directly. Could you improve the interactions to ensure they find what they want at the end of the Journey?

To meet this goal, we need to understand better how people arrive. To assist with this, we have created a Public Rule that can be used throughout our customers marketing, CX and social campaigns. This Public rule uses a new Public Template called Email and Social Input .

Redirect Output

Use this template to provide feedback to a redirect when using Alterian CX. More details here redirect output .

Rule Monitoring

Alterian CX is central to the success of CX and marketing campaigns run by our customers. When Rules are not working correctly your customers are getting a lessened CX experience with your brands.

Rule health monitoring is already available in the Rules screen as a visual check as you work.

If a Rule fails when users are not in the Alterian CX you still want to be able to quickly identify the issue to expedite resolution.

The Rule monitoring Public Template and Rule provides this functionality, allowing you to build notifications around Rules when they fall below previously configured Health thresholds. The Public Template that provides the notifications is called Rule Monitoring.

Journey Analytics

Journey Visualisation

Display Color Coding of Journey Visualisation by Channel

The Journey Visualisation screen now has the ability to color code the nodes or boxes on the screen dependant on their channel of interaction. Specific channel colors can be chosen in advance and configured to display when the node representing an interaction via that channel. This feature works in conjunction with the new Group By option below.

Group By Options for Journey Visualisation

In previous releases, the nodes or boxes on the Journey Visualisation represented an interaction by a Visitor to a specific Location, but this was the only information available. One challenge here is that the same Location may appear in different channels, for example both the App and Website might have a Homepage, and the default Location view of the Journey Visualisation would not be able to differentiate between the two, as all it knows is the Location of “Homepage”. The new Group By option gives the ability to not only change but enhance the object that a node presents to give much more detail to the view.

Options now available are

  • Location

  • Location and Channel

  • Category

  • Category and Channel

  • Channel

The above options are documented in the 6.15 Journey Visualisation ViewUNDEFINED Section

This feature also works in conjunction with color coding by channel, so the view can now not only differentiate between an App Homepage and a Web Homepage, but also display them in different colours.


DDE Rule





Known Issues


Cache Data report does not correctly show numeric field data. If you have a Cache table and a counter table of the same name the numeric value is never pulled back by the Cache Data report.


Loading an existing Sankey in Side by side, when using the Quick Access fails to load. Using the grid option does work correctly


Start Tile templates missing from the template dialog. Work around is to select them from the ‘all templates’ view.


Report Issue

To report an issue with the application not detailed here, please contact Technical Support. Please use our Service Desk to report issues.

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