CX Capabilities rolling in March 2020
Capabilities rolling out March 2020
Alterian Real-Time CX Platform
Released 18th February 2020
Journey Orchestration
Updated Functionality
Rule Designer
Switch Case can now be assigned a Default Case
Templates that contain a switch case that does not have a Default case can now be assigned a Default in the UI. This will allow more flexibility in Rule Design.
Deletion of Cases from a Switch Case
In the last release users were given the ability to add new cases to an existing Switch Case. This new functionality allows the user to remove any new cases added. Any cases added as part of the the intital switch / case creation cannot be deleted.
Templates new Template information dialogue
Description, Roll-back, Create rule and other template information is now available in a separate dialogue. This allows us to provide more room on the Template screen and show in more details the description that show the use of the Template and the configurations available.
Global Parameters
Global Parameters now has a search box
You can now search for a Global Parameter. Simply type into the search box and we’ll highlight the Global Parameters that where the search matches.
Rule Designer
Fields now allows you to NOT map a field.
In some scenarios you do not want to map an input field in the field mapping functionality. This is now possible. Simple check the box next to the field you do not want to map and the validation will ignore this unmapped input field.
Tile Configuration Screen
The Client from which the Template was originally added is shown. This is useful when requested to upgrade. You can now see whether it’s a Public Template or created by your team.
As you build Rules it’s useful to be able to see the logs created as you test them. We now provide a Logs button on the ribbon bar in Rule Designer that opens a screen showing the logs created for the Rule you are editing. You no longer need to close Rule Designer and open Logs in the Rules screen to see the logs generated.
Cache Management APIs
New Cache APIs have been created to help our users to maintain the DDE cache. These new APIs include:
Truncation of a Table via API
Delete all values for a specific key in a given cache table (Useful for Right to be Forgotten requests)
Query the DDE schema to pull back fields. This can be filtered by DDE target ( Dev, Test, Prod etc) and table name.
Ability to append new data to a Data Grid only
Rules has a new Post API to allow the user to append a row to an existing Data Grid.
Alterian Realtime Input
The Alterian Realtime Input has been updated so the invoke_method can be passed into the Rule as a Field.
This will allow Rule Designer to use the same endpoint to service both Get and Post requests. This is something that is required when creating certain integrations including Facebook.
Automatic Creation of Iscontrol field
To support future work the RIS will automatically create an Iscontrol field.
Realtime Input now defaults to the correct Response Content Type
Response Content Type now defaults to a sensible choice and provides a dropdown of alternatives.
DDE Rule
DDE Rule supports using field(s) for the Rule URL
DDE Rule has been updated to allow Client, Target and Rule name to be used in the Request URL.
One use case would be to use the target system header value in the constructed URL to ensure that when promoting a rule which contains a RealtimeRule step it always calls rules from the same target as it is in.
Access Cache
Access Cache allows quicker addition of fields when writing
The Access Cache plugin has been updated to make writing fields in the Cache much smoother. A new “Get Fields” button at the top of the screen provides a dialogue. Simply select the fields you want in your selection. You can now apply your selection to the screen. We now also default the appropriate column names to match the field name and automatically default the “Timestamp” value to be Timestamp. Both of these defaults can still be changed by the user if required.
S3 File Output allows control of Buffer size and time
The S3 file output plugin now allows control of the buffer size and time period. This is useful for Rule testing as a smaller buffer size and time period can be selected allowing you to see the resulting files being created more quickly. These settings should be set to more performant settings before loading into production.
Alterian Multi-Armed Bandit Processor
Multi-Armed Bandit now supports Start and end Dates
The Multi-Armed Bandit now supports start and end dates for Variants. The Multi-Armed bandit works by calculating success for each Variant and finding the “Winners”. The Winning Variants are used significantly more of the time to enhance ROI.
With this improvement Variants will only be selected for inclusion in the Multi-Armed Bandit “Winner” calculations if the they are within the date range selected. Not adding a date range allows a Variant to be continually available for selection.
This will prove useful for seasonable or time sensitive offers where a successful variant during the period is inaccurate or irrelevant after a given date.
Multi-Armed Bandit now support adding Variants from Fields
You can now add Variants to a Multi-Armed Bandit plugin via a field. This has numerous CX and marketing uses. In particular it allows you to test the result of one model running in DDE against another and use the Multi-Armed bandit to calculate success and prioritise the “Winning” Variant accordingly.
Parameters can also be used to set Variants.
Message Builder
We have a new Alterian Message Builder plugin. This allows a user to create a message in DDE. This could include code or text or both and is highly flexible. A user can create the message from a Template pulled from a field and then merge it into the Template and include Fields from the Rule using a customer defined delimiter. The finalised merged populated Message is then output to a field for use in Tiles further down the flow.
Other Features
Dev-1692 | Previously System Fields that are required for a Rule to work could be removed from a Template. We have made changes so system fields removed as part of a select fields step will be added back into the flow. If the system fields are set as required fields for the Template and they are removed as part of the remove functionality in select fields by the user we will honour the removal of these fields. |
DEV-1053 | When calling a Rule from another Rule you can make the originating Rule details available via the headers |
Multiple fixes within the new functionality.
Report Issues
To report an issue with the application not detailed here, please contact Technical Support. Please use our Service Desk to report issues.