CX Capabilities rolling out February 2020

CX Capabilities rolling out February 2020

Capabilities rolling out February 2020

Alterian Real-Time CX Platform

Released 21st December 2019


Alterian have been successfully providing Real-Time marketing and CX functionality to our customers for years. With the release of the Real-Time CX Platform 4 we are simplifying the creation and enhancement of Real-Time decisions with a brand-new drag and drop user interface. This interface will guide our users along the CX decision making process. Customers can create bespoke items for the CX decision process or simply utilise the Public Templates Alterian offer providing simple out of the box integrations with multiple third-party solutions.

This new drag and drop interface will introduce highly flexible CX capabilities into many more areas of our customers businesses.

As well as enhancing ease of use we have developed machine learning capabilities to ensure that the decisions made as part of your CX program are the most effective for your customers and business. Alterian Real-Time CX Platform introduces “Multi-Armed bandit” Auto Enhance and the ability to run models within our CX platform allowing scoring and decisions to be made on data gathered in Real-Time.

Reporting on your CX campaigns to optimise the decisions made and prove value is key.

Alterian have created an identity management function that will identify people interacting with your CX decisions, match them if they have been see before and record key details into a central location. This will allows you to track people across channels and different browsers and devices. At each stage of the customer journey be it online, POS or call centre we know what CX decision was made for that person and their next step.

This CX interaction information is stored within a new reporting solution including key performance dashboards providing reports on the CX decisions made allowing you to review, adapt and optimise.

New Features

Journey Orchestration

Rule Designer - Drag and Drop CX Rule Creation and Editing

Rule Designer simplifies the creation and enhancement of Real-Time decisions with a brand-new drag and drop user interface. This interface guides our users along the CX decision making process. Customers can create bespoke Templates for CX decisioning or simply utilise the Public Templates Alterian offer providing simple out of the box integrations with various third-party solutions.

At each stage of the Rule creation process the user is shown which Templates may work in the current position. Once added each template shows the configuration items available to the user, Data Grids, Parameters or Switch Cases. With a click users can configure these items within the Template itself or view values for the whole Rule.

Any Issues with the Rule show clearly as notifications. These can be turned off as part of the Rule planning process.

Templates can be easily updated with new versions, either keeping existing values or overwriting from new.

Once a Rule is complete it can be saved into your chosen Target and once set running it can provide Real-Time decisions with the ability for multiple team members to update the Rules.

Journey Visualisation

Rule Event Data Collection and Storage in Alterian’s Analytical Engine

With the addition of the GetCXID and Alterian Queue plugins, Alterian have enabled the collection of valuable Rule Event data for reporting and analytics. Once data has been added to the queue by the Alterian Queue plug-in, a consumer service will collect this data and automatically import it into a pre-configured Event History data structure within Alterian’s powerful CX Engine. This data is added intra-day giving Analysts near Real-Time access to their customers and unknown visitor interactions via the CX Journey Visualisation reporting.

Journey Visualisation Reporting

Journey Visualisation uses a familiar Sankey diagram to show the locations or interaction points that visitors pass through as they engage with a brand. This multi-channel visualisation is key for understanding these interactions, be they by existing customers or unknown and anonymous visitors. Journey Visualisation is a view of the actual customer interactions and not simply a map of expected engagement points, so can give real Insight into key decision points, locations with high proportions of drop-off or key stages leading up to a conversion.

Initially, some high level stats give a view of that some key counts using a default view of the last 7 days, and is accompanied by a Sankey flow visualisation showing the top interactions paths the visitors have taken in that time. The ability to swap between a visitor view, showing all interactions by visitors, or a conversation view, focusing on interactions that form part of a single conversation with a brand, gives added flexibility in an easy to use, intuitive user interface.

There are some rich features supplied with this initial release of Journey Visualisation. Filtering on Date Ranges and Event Types allow the analyst to focus the view, and the ability to view two side by side, individually filtered Sankey diagrams, gives an easily accessible comparison, perhaps for a month by month view. Beyond this, the Start With/End With feature can answer business questions around interactions of visitors leading up to key decision points such as completing a renewal, as well as showing where visitors are dropping out of this process and they approach conversion.

CX Dashboards

These Dashboards are provided to give key information and insight into the Dynamic Decision Engine (DDE) at the heart of the Alterian Real-Time CX Platform operations. As well as giving an overall view of system health, with stats into frequency and usage of Rules, Delivery Groups and priorities filtering allows for more in depth reporting.

Updated Functionality


Templates can be updated with Icons symbolising their purpose. Parameters and Data Grids are available for editing. Templates can be deleted without having to remove all previous versions.

Improved search as you type. Sorting on key columns.


New simplified design removing the split screen and providing a clear view on the current status of the Rules and how they are performing.

Filter screen by Rule Target now available. Invoke URL clicks through to the API testing screen or allows the user to copy to clipboard.

Improved search as you type. Sorting on key columns.

Access to Rule level Parameters and Data Grids through improved user interface.

Global Parameters

New simplified design providing a clear view of the current Global Parameters and their current values and settings.

Global Parameter data types are now used in Rule Designer Parameters and Data Grids to validate on data entry ensuring the correct data is added during data input.

Global Parameters now have settings that allow them to be used with Confidential values (asterisk out the value) or make them invisible. Editing rights for users can also be toggled on and off and force the values set within the Global Parameters onto all other Parameters with the same name.

Improved search as you type. Sorting on key columns.

New Public Templates


This Public Template provides Alterian’s new identity management function. It will identify “people” interacting with your CX decisions, match them if they have been see before and record key details into a central repository.

This functionality will allow you to track people across channels, different browsers and devices.

The information provided by the GetCXID plugin is pivotal for the CX Dashboards and the Journey Visulisation and as such the GetCXID plugin should be used in all your rules.

Alterian Queue

This will be created for you as part of your initital solution setup. The queue Template takes the information generated by the GetCXID and the responses from the rule it sits in to provide rich user data to the CX Dashboards and Journey Visulisations.

All the fields required for the queue will be automatically generated by Rule Designer except three fields, Location, Channel and Eventtype where the user may need to select the values during Rule setup.



Alterian Spoon Plugin

Previously the Alterian Spoon Plugin concentrated on Rules as these were the focus for DDE. With Rule Designer and Alterian CX Templates and Global Parameters are as important.

The Alterian Spoon Plugin has been updated so Templates and Global Parameters can be downloaded directly from DDE for analysis, resuse and editing.

Switch Case

A switch case can now have the default set within Rule Designer.

S3 File Output

Improved S3 file Output allowing plugin to be used across multiple S3 buckets

Multi-Armed Bandit (MAB) Auto- enhance Plugin

Multi-Armed Bandit functionality was previously available through complex Rule design. Alterian have created a Plugin to make this process very easy. Simply choose variants to test, count the the attempts to use them and then measure success with the same Plugin. The Plugin will record the results in a centralised location, test for statistical significance and optimise based on the results. Users get to select the frequency to test alternative variants allowing the Multi-Armed Bandit alternating testing process to occur.

Predictive Model Markup Language Plugin

Run models directly within the Alterian Real-Time CX Platform. Use Real-Time data within models to react to events or actions by people interacting with your CX decision points in Real-Time.

Other Features


You can now have both Create and Process Future event within a single Rule.


You can now have both Create and Process Future event within a single Rule.


When calling a Rule from another Rule you can make the originating Rule details available via the headers


Multiple fixes within the new functionality.

Report Issues

To report an issue with the application not detailed here, please contact Technical Support. Please use our Service Desk to report issues.

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