DDE 3.1

DDE 3.1


DDE 3.1

Released 30 April 2019

With the release of DDE 3.1, Alterian provides a series of bug fixes and the release of a new, more resilient S3 output step.

New Features

Improved S3 Output Step

The improved S3 step contains the following improvements.

  • Now easier to connect to more AWS locations (E.g. AWS London) - This proved difficult in the past with the old step.

  • Will now alert the user if downstream data integrations may break due to file format changes

  • Now uses temporary files so data is not lost if a node is shutdown while the step is being used

  • Copes better should the AWS location of the output step fail.



  • The online API documentation was missing a small number of APIs, these have now been added to allow easier customer testing

  • The Real-time Output Step was not using priority focused parameters properly when they were placed within the priority field. This has been resolved.

  • Operational reporting was not coping gracefully with the time changes to reflect daylight savings time changes. This has been resolved.

  • Data-grids were not always saving the correct data when they were changed within the user interface. This has been resolved.

Report Issues

To report an issue with the application not detailed here, please contact Technical Support. Please use our Service Desk to report issues.

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