DDE 3.3

DDE 3.3


DDE 3.3

Released 26 July 2019

With the release of DDE 3.3, Alterian provides bug fixes, and improvements to both the way Delivery Groups work and the Email Manager plugin.

New Features

Improvements to Delivery Groups

The Alterian Cache plugin now allows a user to parametrize the Key when setting up a rule that writes into the cache. The Key drop down in the plugin will show the parameters available and a suitable parameter can be selected as the key.

DDE Rule Performance Improvements

Delivery Group can return the number of results requested by a calling system.

Alterian are working on future functionality that will allow DDE users to more accurately generate history on the rules that have run, and the results generated. We'll also measure whether the results used helped to meet the business goals of our customers.

When called, Delivery Groups currently provide back all the possible results generated in a prioritized list. If the calling system is only able to effectively consume one result, we are providing back multiple results that will not be used. This makes attributing history difficult. It's hard for DDE to know what was used by each system.

In preparation for this new functionality Delivery Groups have a new attribute that allows the calling system to request back a specific number of results This attribute is added to the Delivery group URL string for example


  • ?top=1 will return the top prioritized result

  • ?top=5 will return the top 5 prioritized results

  • ?top=20 will return the top 20 prioritized results

  • no attribute will return all results

If the new attribute is not used the Delivery Group will continue to return all results providing full backwards compatibility.

Improvements to the Email Manager plugin

Email Manager plugin updated to provide the import id of the data used in campaigns

An abandoned basket email will link to products that were left in the basket by the recipient and the items are likely to be different for all customers. Currently Email Manager can track that a specific link was clicked and this can flow back into Campaigns. The value (The basket item) that led to the click are not currently passed through.

To enable our customers to understand which of the "values" were most successful i.e. encouraged the most clicks, we need to be able to pass the specific values back into Campaigns.

The first step in providing this functionality is to allow the Email Manager plugin to provide the import id of the data being sent to Email Manager. This data including the import id can be output as a separate step.

Future changes will add the import id to the standard SEV files and tables. When this is complete the output data can be loaded into engine and mapped to SEV providing the details on the exact values each recipient had in each deployment.


  • Creating and applying a new global parameter with an existing name previously removed all other non-global parameters on any rule that uses the new global parameter. This has been resolved in v3.3.

Report Issues

To report an issue with the application not detailed here, please contact Technical Support. Please use our Service Desk to report issues.

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